Our Services
Stay up to date with SVM's community events, fundraisers, and classes.
New Year's Eve Sober Dance Cowboy Party
Join SVM's Families in Recovery for a rootin'-tootin' grand time from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Dec. 31 at the Albright Center (460 Chestnut St., Sunbury).
This event is free for those in recovery and their families. Kids are welcomed under supervision. Costumes are encouraged!
Caregiver Support Group
Helping caregivers cope and find solutions to the challenges they face.
A place to share experiences, insight, and words of encouragement for those affected by the caregiving needs of another.
When: 1 pm - 3 pm
Oct. 22, Nov. 19, Dec. 17
Where: Union County Resource Center
480 Hafer Road, Lewisburg
• Regain your inner peace & calm
• Start enjoying your life regardless of loved one’s choices
• Contribute to their recovery rather than to their addiction
• Drop the anger & judgment you've been holding onto
• Set and stick to boundaries and use leverage effectively
• Respond rather than react
• Find your voice and the right words to communicate lovingly, without blame, anger or judgment
BALM: Be a Loving Mirror will be held Tuesdays starting Jan. 14 from 5:45 to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom.
The program is free and open to all. Click HERE for more details, or call us @ 570-524-3895.
We offer in-person 40-hour mediator training annually.
Our 2025 volunteer training dates are set! They are February 21 - 23rd and March 7th - 9th, 2025.
If you have any questions or are interested in attending a training, please contact our office at 570-374-1718 or casecoordinator@svmediation.org, or fill out the form below.
Training is free to those who commit to serve as active volunteer mediators for at least two years. A limited number of training slots are available for those seeking training without serving as volunteers; tuition for these trainees is $1,000. Scholarships are available.