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Family Engagement

SVM has been a proud participant in the Family Engagement Initiative since 2018. The Family Engagement Initiative, or the FEI, is a state-wide initiative that aims to "assist select counties in furthering collaborative efforts between the judiciary and child welfare agency to enhance meaningful family involvement in the child welfare system," according to the Office of Children, Family, and the Courts.


As a neutral third party, SVM facilitates Crisis/Rapid Response meetings for families experiencing crisis who are involved in the child welfare system. These meetings are a space for families to have their voices be heard in a setting that prioritizes family healing and child safety. SVM also facilitates Plan of Safe Care meetings, which are called when an infant is born drug-affected. Like Crisis/Rapid Response meetings, Plan of Safe Care meetings foster strong connections between families and kinship networks and promote family healing. We facilitate meetings in Snyder, Union, and Northumberland County. 

Prongs of the Family Engagement Initiative

Engaging, locating, and actively involving family/kin/community to surround the child with a lifelong network of supports for children and families

Ensuring that families receive high quality legal representation based on four core standards of practice

Gathering family, kin and community supports quickly with the goal of healing and child safety, directly following an emergent event 

Get Involved

Become a trained mediator through SVM and help facilitate Crisis/Rapid Response meetings or Plan of Safe Care meetings!




You can also participate in the Families Are Worth It Campaign, which builds stronger communities through interpersonal connections and mutual sharing. 

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